The course content covers an area of the internal structure and principles of operations of digital signal processing units applied to the fiber optic sensors and devices based on them. It consists of 4 lectures, 16 practices и 8 lab works. The course belongs to the general scientific cycle of disciplines. The course presents information about the internal structure and principles of operations of digital signal processing units applied to the fiber optic sensors and devices based on them. In the theoretical section of the course digital signal processing basics are introduced and the FPGA solutions as a DSP processing element are presented. The main emphasis is on practical skills in modeling and implementation of DSP systems in both hardware and software and on applications of DSP to improve device characteristics.
This course leads Deyneka Ivan.
This course will give understanding of:
- role of DSP in development of fiber optic sensors;
- linearity conditions and properties of linear systems;
- fundamentals of digital signal processing – the principle of superposition;
- convolution, its properties, mathematics and applications;
- basics of programmable logic;
- logic synthesis from HDL language, basics of VHDL programming.
Theoretical skills which you will obtain:
- methodology of digital filter design;
- creation methods, types, and applications of random number generators;
- effective approaches and methods for developing a model of digital signal processing system.
Practical skills:
- analysing (qualitatively and quantitatively) the problems arising in the course of professional activity;
- analysing the problems in development of digital signal processing systems;
- choosing the adequate theoretical and experimental methods;
- modelling and simulating the DSP system and elaborating both software and hardware using Matlab Simulink.